Sudha Seva - the name is inspired from our great Swamiji Srimad Sudhindhra Thirtha Swamiji. Its because of Swamiji's relentless efforts and blessings that our Samaj is one of the most respected among all the sects. Swamiji always wanted the samaj to be self-sufficient and not depend upon others or the government for assistance. It's the responsibility of the samaj to take care of the weaker sections of the society and ensure that they get opportunity to grow. It is to fulfil this vision of Sri Sudhindhra Thirtha Swamiji that this platform is set up under the holy guidance ofShrimad Samyamindra Thirtha Swamiji, Mathadipathi of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan Varanasi.Sudha Seva Prathishthan is a central platform to facilitate and empower all GSB entities to co-ordinate, align and allocate their resources in the most efficient and optimum manner so as to ensure 360° development of the GSB community.
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