Despite the passing of over five centuries since the historical migration, the GSB community still carries forward their heritage and traditional values including duties of worshipping their respective family deities or Kuladevatas. Temples have been constructed in different GSB settlements. While some of these temples were built for Ishta Devatas, some others were to worship Kuladevatas. Devotees of Kuladevatas cherish the welfare and progress of their families and community at large. Due to the long distance to the places of Kuladevata temples situated in Konkan and Goa, the GSB community in Kerala found it inconvenient to frequently visit the temples. Their Dharmaguru Srimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swamiji, the Pontiff of Sri Kashi Math Samsthan, emphasised the significance of worshipping the Kuladevatas. The long cherished ambition of Swamiji initiated the construction of Sri Kuladevata Mandir Complex in Ambalamedu in order to facilitate befitting worship of the Kuladevatas and augment the blessings obtained thereby.
Eight Kuladevatas were identified based on the Gotras of the GSB community in Kerala, for being housed in the designated temple complex. Accordingly a beautiful temple complex of eight structures was constructed, and doors were opened for worship in the midst of Vedic recitals, devotional songs and in reverberation of holy chanting of divine names during the auspicious Muhurtam in 28 February 1994.
Contact Address:
Sree Kuladevatha Mandir Complex,AMBALAMEDU – 682 303 (Kerala)
PH:+91 (0484) 2720239
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